Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Our Little Family Toddler Got a BooBoo Today!

The phone call that always scares the pants off of you begins:  "Mama, I need you to come over, the baby is hurt".  Yep, he's a climber and had climbed onto one of the dining room chairs, stood up, and then fell forward, chair and all, onto a tile floor!  Oh my heavens!  Jenny said he bled profusely from his little mouth. 

Well after a trip to the doctors, he was diagnosed as ripping his vestible (the skin that runs between your lip and gums).  He also has a very fat lip.  Poor lil' dumplin'.  He will be all right and it will heal, but it has got to hurt like crazy!  God bless him!

He has quite a BOOBOO!

Oh yeah, little boys can really make your heart beat faster.  Especially toddlers, when they are in to everything and it seems you can't take your eyes off of them.  David and his older brother (who just had his 3rd Birthday celebration) are pretty much a handful.  I think I mentioned this a couple of days ago.  Well, here is a good breakdown of what and how this age thinks:

If it's mine it's mine,
if it's yours it's mine,
if I like it is mine,
if I can take it from you it is mine,
if I am playing with something ALL of the pieces are mine,
if I think it is mine it is,
if I saw it first it's mine,
if I had it then put it down it is still mine,
if you had it then you put it down it is now mine,
if it looks like the one I have at home it is mine,
if it is broken it is yours.

Yes, my daughter is now experiencing motherhood in all its glory.  As she aptly put it the other day -  The hardest job you will ever love!

And just so you Moms out there know I have been there, done that, here are a few more Motherhood laws that all of you will learn:

The more preparation time for the meal the less likely a child is to eat it.
As soon as the child is in the car and the car has left the driveway the child will have to use the bathroom.

May God Bless all Moms!

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