Thursday, May 3, 2012

High School

Today I decided to join my old high school classmates on their new Facebook.  I graduated in 1963 from Fort Myers High School.  I could not believe how old everyone had become.  These people are really "old codgers" (I started to say "old farts", but decided against it!).  I really don't know what happened to them, but I hardly recognized any of 'em.  I mean they were really, really old.  My only response is that they must have all led hard lives.  They all looked like my Grandmother or Grandfather.  Could it be they fastforwarded in some time machine?  Heh!  Thank goodness that didn't happen to me.  Just to show you my results after 49 years look below:


1963 to 2012
O.K., so my hair has turned white and I am wearing glasses now, but really these people looked OLD!    By the way the glasses are just for cosmetic purposes and I always wanted to be a platinum blonde.  LOL!        It's all in the mind, all in the mind.  And you are as old as you feel.........And la, la, la!

I will say this "Time flies when you are having fun!"  And I've certainly had my share of that.  You know to be straight with ya', I would not give a hoot to be back there at 18 years old.  Yeah, I have a Grandson, Nick who will be there shortly.  And my advice to him would be to enjoy every minute of high school and college.  It will be fun to look back on those days, but know that the best is yet to come.  When you are 18, usually your inhibitions outweigh your confidences and it takes a few years more of living until you will really feel comfortable in your own skin.

It is great looking up old friends and seeing what they have been up to since we last saw each other.  It is interesting to hear what paths they each took and where they are now.  Listening to some of their stories makes me feel very lucky with the path that I chose.  How most of us have made it thus far is an interesting story in and of itself and the memories are still intact of those from the class of '63 who are no longer with us.  God has blessed the Ft. Myers High class of '63.

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