Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

So today is May 1st and the celebration of Spring.  I remember in elementary school celebrating with a dance around the May Pole.  I guess they just don't do that anymore.  I used to really look forward to the pastel ribbons and weaving in and out with the other children to make the ribbons wrap around the pole.  Quaint fun that probably would not excite this generation.

I received an article from a friend today which highly enlightened me and after a little research found her info to be very true.  Way to spoil some sweet memories of my childhood.  It seems that some believe the May Pole originated way back with the Romans as a phallic symbol to greet the new Spring crops and make them plentiful.  Oh boy!  I would like to just think of it as a fun way for children to greet the coming of Spring.

The month of May is always a favorite time for me.  I love the weather and the flowering of so many of my back yard plants.  My gardenia bush that I brought from our first home in Jacksonville (Francis Drake Drive) is now over 6 feet tall and in high bloom.  I remember my younger brother helping me plant it again almost 20 years ago.  The most wonderful thing about it is it does not involve any care and every year it blooms like crazy.  I like to think it has something to do with Edgar helping me plant it.

I remember when we made gardenia corsages for Mother's Day.  The fragrance was spectacular. 

Here are a few other flowers from the back yard taken with my iPhone.

Uh oh!  A Senior moment.  The flowers on the left are Plumbagos and on the right is an Agapanthus (Lily of the Nile) per my friend Cindy.  Thanks Cindy, I just had another senior moment on that one.


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