Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday is Wash Day

Monday, Monday, ......., So good to me.......

Well, it's washday and have to do it!  Getting ready for a couple of days at the beach.  The weather is perfect for some lounging and watching the tide roll in. 

Speaking of washday, it reminds me of how easy we have it nowadays.  I remember Grandma had a wash house behind her home and actually spent all day out in the heat rolling clothes through her old rickety wash tub.  Yeah, it had an electric agitator but she had to manually send the clothes through a ringer to get all the water out of 'em.  Then she had to hang 'em on the line.  Gads!, what a chore.  She starched all of grandpa's shirts and they would almost stand up by themselves.  After taking them down from the line she would have a coke bottle filled with water and a cork stopper to sprinkle them with, roll them up and then would start the ironing process.  What she could not finish in one day, she would stick the remainder in the refrigerator for the next day.  WOW!  do we have it easy today.

Can you believe she really said that????  And why does she look so happy????
Although I did see a kid at church yesterday who looked like he had slept in his clothes. lol!  Most Moms today don't believe in ironing anything.  Yepper, times have really changed.  I don't mean to sound so old but "I AM".  And to be honest with you, I don't iron much of anything these days.  I have been known to just stick a shirt back in the dryer with a wet washcloth to see if I can vanish some of the wrinkles.  Laziness =  a lack of desire to expend effort.  And although cotton may be more comfortable, I always look for the tag marked 50/50.

Well, there goes the buzzer (Another thing Grandma didn't have!) have to get busy folding and hanging.  Wish me luck with my wrinkles (on Clothes and myself....). 

Saturday, April 28, 2012


"Beso del Sol"

Welcome to our new blog.  We have named it Beso del Sol after our beach condo.  For those of you not familiar with Spanish, "Beso del Sol" means "Kiss of the Sun".  As Chuck and I approach the Winter of our lives, what better way to explain our time on this earth than that we have both been "Kissed by the Sun".  This August we will be celebrating our 46th Wedding Anniversary!  We have certainly had a delicious life together and have really enjoyed this beautiful earth and all the pleasures it has given us.

Like everyone, we have had our ups and downs.  As you know, living is always full of surprizes.  We are just grateful to be here together to enjoy each day as it comes our way.  The whole idea of creating this site is so that our family and friends can share some of our experiences from the past as well as what lies ahead in the future for us.  We hope that you will drop by often and enjoy some of our stories.  You might just find them entertaining enough to make the "Beso del Sol" blog a frequented oasis and that we can share our "Kiss of the Sun".

To start off with our "Heaven away from Home" we would love to share with you our beach condo.  We bought it back in April 2004 and have pretty much remodeled the whole interior.  When we retired at the end of 2003, Chuck said to me "If you want that place on the ocean, this is the time to get it".  And on my 59th Birthday we signed the papers to "Beso del Sol".  What a joy it has been and continues to be.  There is nothing like getting away to the Atlantic Ocean for a few days no matter what the Season! Our beach condo website is and below is our YouTube video that you might enjoy.